Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 72 Catemaco, Mexico

Day 72 (March 23) – Catemaco, Mexico

Only 68 degrees in our camper this am. Downright cool. Rather cloudy but soon turns to sunshine although it didn't get really warm until Catemaco. At first there were rolling hills with fields of corn that was all dried out. Soon, there were the same rolling hills very lush and green. It appeared to be ranch land and some must be very successful as there were some beautiful haciendas. Of course the lines were all heavy with laundry. Ponds, big and small, dotted the countryside. In amongst the greenery were the yellow and pink flowered trees. Today may not be the first day it happened but it was the first time I noticed a lot of mauve, white and yellow wildflowers along the roads edge. As we passed one school the kids possibly 8 or 9 years old so neat in their uniforms, were outside practicing a dance. There was a Volkswagen bug turned into a taco stand with the front seat removed I'd guess, as she was standing up doing her thing. Along the way we've seen lots of houses painted orange with trim of white, blue, etc. Today I saw a different combination that made me think I've become a bit Mexacanized as it didn't look too bad – orange with lime green!! As we came down the hill to Catemaco we saw a beautiful panorama of the lake and mountains. After parking at the campsite we walked for quite a few miles around town including looking in to the beautiful white and blue church with its dome and two steeples. It is well beyond my ability to describe the inside other than to say “awesome”. We had an ice cream tasting around the pool and most ordered some. All in all, a good day.

I get to have the last say!! Doesn't happen too often but I'm going to take advantage of it. I'd like to thank Bill and Gerry for letting me use their cell phone when we were so worried about our daughter. Many thanks to Ed and Sharon for the use of their cooler and helping to keep us supplied with ice. The other ice suppliers, John and Kathy, Clif and Joan, Brian and Chris, and Pete and Wendy, we couldn't have done it without you and are very grateful. For those of you who went slow to make sure your group got through, you are greatly appreciated. Most of us may never meet again but anyone coming near Kamloop, phone a few weeks ahead with an approximate date. If it is at all possible we would love to take a few days to show you our area. For those we don't see again, as Bob Hope would have said, “Thanks for the Memories.”
Rig #18, Gail and Tim

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