Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 44 - David, Panama

February 23, Day 44, Rig 10
David, Panama

We left San Isidro Costa Rico at 7:30 A.M.
The sun pops up quickly this far south. It's another beautiful day as we head toward the Panama border. School children line the road. They are always so neat in their uniforms with hair brushed and combed.
Pineapple fields line both sides of the road as far as one can see. There are papaya plantations also. The pineapple fields are a unique dark blue green color. We follow the very picturesque river General L. River for 30 miles. It is a very beautiful drive as the river spreads out it is very wide but looks shallow with some rapids.
We get in line at a Texaco Station to head toward the border. But when we arrive at the border there is the usual mass confusion and we are parked at random. The weather is hot and humid. There is the usual wait as the vehicle owner is called and then the passengers. Then we wait some more. Finally we are cleared to go.
We go through fumigation and head south. But we are stopped for inspection and are told we do not have the proper papers. So "Andy", a border inspector, got on board and we did a returno to go back to the border to obtain the proper papers. Number 11 must also return and #2 went with us. All of the confusion was straightened out and we are on our way. The border inspectors waved us on and wished us well.
We were almost to our parking area when we passed # 5. They had a blow out but all was fixed.
We are parked in front of a Price Smart store and have permission to shop. The first item we spot are the folding chairs. We buy 3 and return our borrowed ones.
It seems like the entire town is driving by and looking at our rigs. They are all friendly with big smiles and waves.
We had happy hour around our motorhome with lots of stories and laughter. Ron ordered a huge pizza. Dan and Miriam endured lots of comments on their purchase of whipping cream. They are good sports.
Another adventuresome day for Adventure Caravan.

Rig # 10
Bill and Gerry

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