Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 50 - Santa Clara

Day 50 (March 1) – Santa Clara, Panama

FREE DAY – About 18 people went off on a small tour to a neighboring town in the mountains. The rest of us that stayed behind did laundry; went to the beach; walked around the neighborhood and lounged around the pool. Very peaceful. We had a “pot-luck” supper that evening around 6 pm. Great food and great company. It was Bill and Gerry's 51st wedding anniversary so cards were given and they had to wear the crowns. After clean-up Ron Schatz brought out his electric guitar and with Brian accompanying him we all sang a variety of music. Ron and Brian did an awesome job. Everyone sang and enjoyed themselves. Towards the end Ed and Sharon got up and danced. It was a great way to begin the journey home.

Rig #16, Pete and Wendy

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