Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 71 Matias Romero

Day 71 (March 22) – Mathias Romero Pemex Station

11:00 am start this morning to Matias Romero Pemex Station. Before that people enjoyed walking on the Pacific ocean shores, watching the birds, roaring surfs and white sand. Some of the people enjoyed breakfast at the open air palapa at the hotel. A butterfly hovered around Brian, Chris, Rita S. and Fran's table. It landed on Fran's plate for a perfect photo-op then was flicked away. Pam and I were talking outside our rig when a man in a small car with a loud speaker blaring away stopped; he practiced some English and we practiced some Spanish; he gave us his email address in case we ever wanted to advertise a circus because that's what he does! Driving towards Hwy 200 under the canopy of mango trees we stoped to get our quota. 16 mangoes for 30 pesos. Very honest vendor gave us back 10 pesos because we bought the 2 bags.

We had some engine light happen so stopped for lunch then light went out; continued on. Took scenic route through Tapanatepec. We just needed to go over more topes!!! Ended up on correct route so all was well. (GPS was wrong as well!!!) Came upon an extremely windy area. Driving very slow. Semi-trucks were driving side by each down the road to help one another. Lots of windmills on both sides of road but not working. Made turn to start up hill when light on engine went on again. Group stopped with us. Thank you all again. Ed went to get something from rig when gust of wind took his had and blew it up in the cactus and rock bluff above us. Sharon announced on CB that “Adventure caravaners we have a new activity planned, get Ed's hat down from the cacti”!!! Pam got her walking stick and Ed changed his shoes and was about to scale the bluff when another gust of wind blew the hat back down to the road. Beautiful yellow cactus blooming along side of road.

Brian and Chris came along; sent rest of group on to Pemex station. Pete and Brian worked on the fuel filter while Chris and I gave moral support and helped hold the hood of truck against very large gusts of wind. About an hour later we were on the road again. Huge thank you to Brian and Chris.

The temperature had dropped to 22o C at about 5 pm from 39o C earlier in the day. As we arrived at the Pemex station everyone was enjoying circle time and happy hour; lots of burgundy jackets and long pants on!!! With snacks, drinks and “travel brief” done so was another day in Adventure Caravaning as we have come to know it!!

Rig #16, Wendy and Pete

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