Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 4: Ciudad Victoria to Tampico

We had an easy morning as departure time was not until 11. Many of the folks walked down about ¾ mile to Sorianas, a major shopping store, but we opted to just take a relaxed morning.

We were placed in the third group to leave and set as the lead vehicle. Pat had done well navigating yesterday but we knew we were fine as we were following wagonmaster Bob. This time we were on our own, although with detailed instructions, and three rigs following us, hopefully also looking at the directions to give us a yell if we set off in a wrong direction.

It all went smoothly though. The fourth RV back, Brian and Chris in Rig 2, didn’t catch up with us until the last half of the trip, but since they are one of the tailgunners we knew they were fine. There were two checkpoints during the trip but we were waved on at both.

We had a stop alongside the road for a lunch break and also filled up before stopping at our destination, a large parking lot behind a nice looking hotel in the town of Tampico.

We parked beside a Canadian couple traveling with a German couple. The Canadians didn’t speak any German, and only one of the Germans knew a few words of English. This *had* to make for some interesting travel moments!

This hotel has internet access, a nice restaurant, and even a couple of showers. There is a beautiful garden and pool area behind us. Pat loves the many colors of bougainvillea.

 The caravan team gave us a great little sangria social poolside along with tips for the next day’s drive.
Bob, though dancing along the edge of the pool throughout his talk, disappointed us all by not managing to fall in at some point. Pat & I then walked over to the restaurant for dinner and were invited to join a table with 3 Canadian couples. The couple closest to us, Duncan & Rita, were from Calgary and told us about life in Calgary, especially during the Calgary Stampede times of year.

Back to the RV and a chance to check email. Another early bedtime (yes, I think we’re getting old!). Our departure tomorrow will be at 8:15.

Driving report: Roads good. Drive was through a dryish agricultural area with a few hills here and there. Mountains in the distance.

Mike & Pat Astley, Rig 4

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